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San Diego Slip-and-Fall Lawyer

When you’ve been injured as a result of a property hazard that was left uncorrected, you should be compensated. Call a San Diego slip-and-fall attorney for help with your injury case.

Accidents happen every day, but that doesn’t always mean you have a case for premises liability. Premises liability is when you’ve been injured on someone else’s property due to negligence. But what defines negligence?

Typically, when homeowners or business owners are aware of property hazards and do nothing to correct them, they’ve been negligent. When you’ve been injured because of that hazard, which they failed to correct, you should be compensated for the losses you have suffered.

Your losses could include medical costs, lost wages, and physical and emotional suffering the incident caused for you. Contact a San Diego slip-and-fall lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC, for help recovering compensation for all of your damages.

Examples of Premises Liability Cases in San Diego

Being injured on another person’s property because of negligence is a horrible experience. Many people don’t realize how serious a seemingly small property hazard can be until it causes a life-altering injury.

You can be injured on someone’s property in many ways, but slipping and falling is one of the most common. A fall from almost any cause can lead to serious injuries and usually indicates negligence on the part of the property owner.

Here are some premises liability cases that involve slip-and-fall injuries:

  • Home Slip-and-Falls – An example of a slip-and-fall case could be when a homeowner has a leaky garden hose that leaves a standing puddle of water on the patio, and although the homeowner knew about the problem, he or she never got it repaired. If you fell and were injured because of it, you may have a case.
  • Business Slip-and-Falls – When business owners fail to address puddles and leaks in their stores, customers can slip and fall. Recently cleaned floors can also pose a falling hazard.
  • Trip-and-Falls – Examples of these types of cases could be if you fall on an unsecured floor tile or trip and fall down a staircase that has loose floorboards.
  • Malfunctioning Elevators – Elevators can cause injury, especially when they stop or drop suddenly, causing you to fall down. If you injure yourself on a faulty elevator and the owner knew the elevator was having issues, you could be compensated.
  • Dog Attacks – Dogs can cause serious injuries even when they don’t bite you. For instance, if an unsecured dog ran toward you and jumped on you, it could easily cause you to slip and fall down. That can cause injuries, and you deserve compensation from the animal’s owner.

Compensation for Your San Diego Slip-and-Fall Accident

Serious injuries can lead to a financial crisis. When you’ve been in the hospital for a lengthy period of time, when you’ve had to undergo surgeries for your injuries, or when you’ve had to obtain the services of a physical therapist, you’re obligated to pay significant amounts of money.

But if you didn’t cause your accident, why should you have to pay for it?

In addition to medical expenses, your injury could have caused many other financial and non-monetary losses that you should receive financial compensation for. Your San Diego slip-and-fall injury lawyer will seek damages for every hardship you have suffered.

Damages you can seek when filing a premises liability claim in San Diego include the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Mental health services
  • Caregiving services
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages from missing out on work
  • Diminished quality of life

What Kinds of Injuries Can You Suffer in a Slip-and-Fall Accident?

Until it happens to you, a slip-and-fall may not seem like the kind of event that could cause serious injuries. You might think victims commonly sustain minor sprains or strains, maybe some mild bruising or even a broken bone, but you likely don’t think that the injury could be substantial.

In reality, a slip-and-fall can be a life-shattering event. You can suffer incredible injuries due to slip-and-falls and other premises liability injuries. Some of the kinds of catastrophic injuries you could be dealing with are as follows:

A San Diego Slip-and-Fall Attorney Can Help

When you enter another person’s home or business, you expect to be safe while you’re a guest on that property. When a San Diego business owner or homeowner fails to address a dangerous situation on the premises, he or she is liable for any injuries that result from that inaction.

You deserve financial compensation for your physical and emotional injuries and monetary losses. Speak with a San Diego slip-and-fall lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC, today. Give us a call at 619-550-1313 or fill out the form below to schedule a free consultation.

  • No fees unless we win
  • No obligation to continue beyond the case review
  • Get all your legal questions answered