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$18 Million Car
$7.2 Million Product Liability Vehicle/Brain Injury

San Diego Serious Injury Lawyer

When you’ve been seriously injured, you deserve to be compensated. A San Diego serious injury attorney can help you recover the damages you need.

Serious injuries can impact every aspect of your life, from your ability to work and provide for your family to your ability to walk or even care for yourself.

When you’ve been injured as a direct result of another’s negligence, you deserve to be fully compensated for your injuries.

There are many accident types that can cause a catastrophic injury, such as car accidents and work accidents. There are also many different types of serious injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries and amputations.

Whatever your accident or injury type, a San Diego serious injury lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC, can help you recoup your losses. We will investigate your case to determine who was at fault for your accident, and we will actively work to recover the full compensation you are owed.

Types of Serious Injuries

There’s no such thing as a good injury, but some will have a greater impact on your life than others. If you’ve sustained any of the following serious injuries, you deserve a full settlement to compensate for the greater losses associated with injuries of this degree.

Your serious injury attorney will seek the full compensation you will require in overcoming your injuries and their disruption to your life.

  • Head injuries can seriously affect brain function and your ability to work and interact with others.
  • Broken and fractured bones are extremely painful and could impact your mobility.
  • Organ damage can affect your quality of life.
  • Neck or spine injuries can require caretaker help and may prevent going back to work.
  • Loss of limb can greatly impact mobility, as well as require a mechanical device, therapy, or prosthetics.
  • Severe burns can cause joint damage, scarring, and psychological damage.

Compensation for Your Serious Injury

Any time you are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you deserve to receive compensation for your injuries. Still, there are some injury types that are so much more serious than others that the compensation will need to be greater.

This is because the likelihood of returning to work could be greatly diminished, your pain and suffering could be much worse, or you might require much more extensive medical treatment due to the serious nature of your injuries.

If you’ve sustained a catastrophic injury in an accident that wasn’t your fault, an injury lawyer from our firm can help you recover compensation for your losses:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical expenses
  • Physical therapy and mental health treatment
  • Lost wages and lost future earning potential
  • Lost quality of life

A Serious Injury Attorney in San Diego Can Help

Serious injuries can impact you for the rest of your life. Your injuries may affect your ability to work, your mobility, and your finances. Getting fully compensated for your injuries is paramount to the stability of your future and your ability to recover.

Call The Kindley Firm, APC, to get your free, no-obligation consultation. Your San Diego serious injury lawyer will help you get the money you need to get on with your life. Our phone number is 619-550-1313, or you can fill out our contact form on this page to get started.

  • No fees unless we win
  • No obligation to continue beyond the case review
  • Get all your legal questions answered