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$18 Million Car
$7.2 Million Product Liability Vehicle/Brain Injury

Client Testimonials

Elder Abuse Case

“George Kindley represented our family in a case of Elder Abuse which resulted in the loss of a family member. The facts were clearly in our favor yet the opposing entities continually put up roadblocks to demoralize us and try to “discourage” George. Not once in this almost four year battle did George give any indication of giving up or wanting to “throw in the towel” just to get it over with. We were constantly amazed at his tenacity, his knowledge of the law, and his courage to stand up to hostile opposition.

The long hours of preparation: airline flights far from home and family for depositions and hearings; the seemingly never ending rescheduling of court dates. We saw George go through this and more which often left us wondering, “How does he do it?”

His office kept us informed of our progress every step of the way, and were always there for a phone call or Email. Even if it was just to ask “How are you doing?” I believe our case meant a lot to George. The outcome was more than we could have imagined. We are forever grateful to Mr. Kindley.”

Complicated Elder Abuse Case, Highly Favorable Results

“My family hired George for an Elder Abuse case involving the loss of a family member. This case was complicated, as it involved several medical entities, yet George and his associates kept us informed of the status during the entire process. In the end we reached settlements with all the defendants, and although they cannot replace the loss, they helped us move on. Most importantly, my family hoped that the investigations from our cases would trigger improvements in patient care from the defendants; George assured us it did. I absolutely recommend George, should you ever need a personal injury or elder abuse attorney. I am so glad my family engaged them for our case.”

George Kindley is the best Personal Injury Lawyer in San Diego

“George represented our family in a wrongful death lawsuit. Our case took four years to settle. George and his staff were absolutely amazing. Our case was very complicated and involved a lot of different entities. George’s knowledge of Elder Abuse Law is incredible. The opposing counsel hammered George with unusual requests. They knew they were at fault and their only way out was to make George give up or let down his guard. This made him more determined to seek justice for our family. He would spend nights and weekend flying all over the western US. for depositions and meetings on our behalf. George made a lot of sacrifices being away from his family to represent us. We will never forget the effort George gave in seeking justice for our family. This is an extraordinary human being. He truly cared about all of us and about the person we tragically lost.

When things didn’t seem to be going well George assured us to stay focused as a family and let him handle everything. He always kept us informed as our litigation moved forward. He was very through in all of his preparation.

After four years our case settled. The results were more than we could have ever imagined. We now have a better life because of his willingness to never quit. While the scars that these people inflicted on us will never go away we know that because of Mr. Kindley’s efforts, justice was served.”

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