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Chula Vista Car Accident Lawyer

To get the full compensation you need after you’re injured in a car accident, you’re probably going to need some legal help. A Chula Vista car accident attorney can give you the help you need.

When it comes to life’s most stressful events, getting into a car accident is up there with divorce and public speaking—except it can leave you severely injured. Add to the stress of physical pain the financial stress of medical bills and being unable to work, and you have what amounts to a living nightmare.

Luckily, California law allows car accident victims to receive compensation for their various injuries, whether physical or psychological.

A qualified Chula Vista car accident lawyer with The Kindley Firm, APC, can help you get the compensation you need to maintain your financial stability while you recover.

Dealing with Insurance

While it would be nice to be able to trust that the insurance company has your best interests in mind, that’s often not the case. Insurers are, after all, for-profit businesses, so their main concern is with their bottom line.

Whether it means getting you to make an incriminating statement or demanding that you accept a small settlement, insurers are looking for any excuse to pay you less than you deserve after your car crash.

When you enlist the services of an experienced Chula Vista car crash lawyer, you won’t have to deal with the insurance company’s tactics. Your attorney will apply years of experience dealing with insurers to the negotiations to get you the settlement you deserve.

Fault in California

Understanding California’s statute of comparative fault is essential to the success of your case.

In California, multiple parties can be held accountable for the same crash, regardless of how big a role any party played. For example, a court might find that the driver who was principally responsible for the crash is 70 percent liable, and you hold the remaining 30 percent of the responsibility.

In a potential $500,000 settlement, that would mean you would only receive $350,000—or 70 percent of the possible compensation.

There are many ways to attribute fault to one or more parties in a crash. These include the following:

  • Proving the Driver Was Distracted – Texting while driving, for example, is illegal in California and can be used to prove the fault of another driver.
  • Showing the Driver Was Under the Influence – The involvement of alcohol, in addition to other intoxicants, can help prove liability.
  • Speeding – Exceeding the speed limit can prove recklessness.
  • Tailgating – Closely following a car also demonstrates recklessness.
  • Dangerous Road Conditions – Usually, a municipal government agency is held liable in this sort of scenario.
  • Road Construction – Should road repairs interfere with your ability to navigate safely, the project’s operators can be held liable if you have a crash as a result.

Don’t Delay

Regardless of the severity of your injuries, you will have two years from the time of the crash to recover damages, according to California’s statute of limitations.

Civil cases can take time, so it’s important to start the process as early as possible. An added benefit of filing your claim soon after your Chula Vista car accident is that the evidence will still be fresh and available and your memories of the incident will be more clear.

Your Chula Vista car accident attorney will make sure your claim is filed in a timely manner.

Contact a Chula Vista Car Wreck Lawyer

If you’ve been the victim of a car crash that was someone else’s fault, you don’t deserve to be taken advantage of.

A Chula Vista car accident lawyer at The Kindley Firm, APC, can provide you with dedicated representation and improve your chance of receiving a fair sum. Call us at 619-550-1313 or fill out the contact form below.

  • No fees unless we win
  • No obligation to continue beyond the case review
  • Get all your legal questions answered