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Brain Injury After a Fall—Symptoms to Look For

Brain injuries require urgent medical treatment, and the effects do not always manifest immediately. Your lawyer can help you seek legal recourse if you or a loved one suffers a brain injury because of someone else’s negligence.

The long-term consequences of a fall are not always immediately visible. A person might get up right after a fall and say they’re okay, but it’s possible that they are already suffering from internal injuries.

This is especially true for a brain injury like a concussion or brain bleeding. Many times, people who suffer concussions feel okay at first, but the damage is already there. The longer it remains untreated, the harsher the consequences will be, which is why it’s important to know what brain injury symptoms to look for after a fall.

When Is There a Risk of Brain Injury?

Whenever there is an impact to the head, there’s already a risk of brain injury. The impact does not always have to be strong; something like a slap can already be enough to cause brain damage.

When a fall results in hitting the head on the floor or the wall, checking for brain injury symptoms is important, even if the person feels ok and says that they’re fine. There are brain injuries that manifest days or weeks later, and there are always some symptoms that you can look for.

What Are the Symptoms of a Brain Injury?

The symptoms of a brain injury depend on whether the injury is mild, moderate, or severe.

Mild brain injuries are characterized by headaches, dizziness, or fatigue. However, they can also manifest through other symptoms, like memory problems, mood changes, or sleeping problems.

Moderate to severe brain injuries can also have the same symptoms as mild injuries, but they can also have symptoms like repeated vomiting, inability to wake up, dilation of the pupils, or loss of coordination. The mental symptoms can include slurred speech, agitation, unusual behavior, or even a loss of consciousness.

Right after a fall, the most important symptoms to look for are speech problems, headaches, dizziness, and pupil dilation. These are sometimes shrugged off by a person as mild problems because of a fall, but they can also signal something worse—they may be signs of a brain injury.

Seek Professional Help from an Injury Lawyer

If a person suffers a brain injury after a fall, it is always important to seek emergency medical care. Even a mild brain injury is serious and requires a prompt diagnosis. Brain injuries left untreated for too long may worsen the injury or make the person more vulnerable to future injuries.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury after a fall because of someone else’s fault or negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. An experienced brain injury lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC can help you establish your claim and gather the necessary evidence to receive a fair settlement for your brain injury.

When it comes to brain injuries, immediate action is key. Call us now at 619-550-1313 or fill out the form below for a free case review.

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