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How Can a Permanent Injury Be Compensated?

Going through a permanent injury is devastating. Covering the costs associated with this injury can be expensive, especially if the injury was caused by someone else’s negligence. You need to know your options when you’re dealing with this injury and how to get the compensation you’re due. 

Lawyers that focus on personal injury cases can help you seek out the compensation you may be entitled to. You don’t have to live with a permanent injury without help. Here’s what you need to know about your permanent injury and the compensation you’re due. 

What You May Be Entitled to

When you’re injured, you need compensation that covers your needs during and after your recovery. If you’ve suffered an injury because of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation that includes, but is not limited to:

  • Medical bill payments
  • Emotional distress caused by the accident
  • Repair or replacement for damaged property
  • Costs of permanent disfigurement or disability 
  • Household services, such as cleaning or babysitting services
  • Lost wages for time not spent at work, including time spent on medical appointments

These are just a few possibilities for the damages you may have suffered. Talk to your lawyer about the damages you’re due to make the maximum recovery possible for your injuries. 

Proving a Permanent Injury 

You will have to prove a permanent injury in order for compensation to be considered. In order to do this, you want to go through a few steps and understand the process. If you’re concerned about taking these steps the right way and getting the information you need, reach out to your lawyer. They can take the pressure off you as you seek answers. 

Maximum Medical Improvement 

After recovery, the doctor you see will decide whether you’ve reached what is known as the maximum medical improvement. This means that the condition you have has stabilized and you don’t need regular additional treatment. 

When this is reached, if you’re not permanently healed, you are considered to have a permanent injury that requires compensation. Medical experts who have seen and treated you can testify about what they’ve found. 

Keep Documentation 

You may need to keep any records that you receive from the medical professional. You will want to have the doctor record the permanence of the disability or injury you’ve sustained. You also want to include these documents in your claim. 

These documents can be vital when seeking compensation for your injury. These documents are evidence for your claim, and without them, it can be difficult to prove you were injured. 

Have an Independent Medical Exam 

When you’re injured, you may need as much solid proof of your injuries as possible. That may mean repeating medical exams with different doctors to ensure you’re seeing the correct results. 

Insurance companies may request that you undergo an independent medical exam to show the extent of your injuries. Before you go through with this, speak with a personal injury lawyer about what you can expect and the rights you have. 

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer 

Dealing with a permanent injury can be difficult, but you don’t have to face this situation alone. If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of someone else, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. 

Our lawyers at The Kindley Firm, APC can offer guidance for your case, taking the pressure off you when you’re seeking compensation. For a free consultation, give us a call here at our offices by calling 619-550-1313, or fill out the following online contact form. 

  • No fees unless we win
  • No obligation to continue beyond the case review
  • Get all your legal questions answered