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Chula Vista Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Don’t let negative stereotypes and the insurance company’s tactics stand between you and the compensation you deserve after you’re hurt in a motorcycle accident. Let a Chula Vista motorcycle crash lawyer take on your case.

Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to serious injuries when they’re involved in crashes. These crashes can leave you with injuries that put you in a dire financial situation—on top of the serious emotional and physical consequences you’re already dealing with.

If you find yourself in this situation, you need a competent attorney who can help you recover your losses. A Chula Vista motorcycle accident lawyer at The Kindley Firm, APC, can help you identify the parties at fault, determine the value of your motorcycle crash case, and win you compensation during this trying time.

What’s Working Against You

While you can choose to file a claim for compensation without a lawyer’s help, there are multiple reasons why you’ll benefit from legal guidance in your Chula Vista motorcycle accident case:

Insurance Companies Aren’t Looking Out for You

The insurance company, like any other business, wants to make money. You’re likely to find that insurers will pursue being profitable by all means possible, jeopardizing your ability to get a fair settlement.

One trick insurers will use is trying to place some of the blame for your motorcycle on you. They’ll point to a false stereotype that suggests that most bikers behave dangerously on the road. And they’ll try to use that bias to reduce your compensation.

Comparative Fault Can Reduce Your Compensation

The above tactic can work in California because of a law called comparative fault. Comparative fault allows a court to assign blame for a motorcycle accident on a proportional basis.

For example, another motorist could be found 80 percent liable for your accident, while you’re found 20 percent liable because you might reasonably have been able to see the accident coming and avoided it.

In this hypothetical example, if the total damages were determined to be $100,000, you would only receive $80,000. That’s because your total compensation will be reduced by the percentage of responsibility you’re found to hold for your crash.

There’s a Time Limit

If you can get past the stereotypes and blame-placing tactics the other side will use, you’ll still have to work within California’s statute of limitations, which is two years.

This means you have two years from the date of the accident to file a claim for compensation. If you file after this deadline, you’re not likely to get the compensation you need.

Common Chula Vista Motorcycle Accident Injuries

No two motorcycle accidents are the same, but many accidents share common injuries and elements.

Here are a few injuries common to Chula Vista motorcycle crashes:

  • First-, second-, and third-degree burns
  • Whiplash
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which include concussions and contusions
  • Spine damage
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Scrapes and bruises
  • Wrongful death

What’s Your Motorcycle Injury Claim Worth?

Keep in mind that you might have suffered multiple injuries, and you can list them in your claim. Listing all of your injuries can raise the value of your personal injury claim.

In determining your claim amount, you will want to consider a variety of factors, including the medical expenses resulting from the collision, as well as lost wages and earning potential.

Non-economic damages may include items like pain and suffering and decreased quality of life. You can receive compensation for these types of damages, too.

Call a Chula Vista Motorcycle Collision Lawyer

If you’ve been the victim of a motorcycle accident, you’re not alone. The Kindley Firm, APC, can help you get back on your feet and riding again.

Call a Chula Vista motorcycle accident lawyer at 619-550-1313 or fill out the online contact form at the bottom of this page to schedule a free consultation.

  • No fees unless we win
  • No obligation to continue beyond the case review
  • Get all your legal questions answered